Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It Takes a Village

I was recently blown away by the story of a family in the area who will be welcoming home 4.. count it 4 new babies in July! A natural occurrence of quadruplets, and they'll tell you that it all started with a simple prayer!

The Offor family prayed that they would be blessed with a little girl to complete their family of two young boys at the ages of 2 and 3! And as it worked out, Chizoba gave birth to one precious little girl, Adaeze which means Princess, and 3 boys! Totaling their family to 6 children and 2 parents! This family needs to be poured into, whether it's by the donation of supplies, an encouraging word or a helping hand.

Here's the full story

Our community has really come together to help provide the necessities that a family needs when it comes to taking care of new infants. Wouldn't we all need the help? How overwhelming and expensive it must be to have to buy 4 cribs, 4 car seats.. those things add up! So we are looking for individuals who would be willing to donate their resources, time and money to help support this family! It truly does take a village!

So if you know anyone who is looking to get rid of baby clothing, play-pins, a van...whatever it may be! I'm willing to pick up any goods!

So please give them my email : mdhamm@ncsu.edu

Thanks so much!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Curly girl! I am following you and I hope you'll come follow me too! :o) Welcome to the blogworld!

    If you comment on my blog, I don't mention my husband's name or daughter's name. FYI. Since you know me personally I wanted you to know.

    Love ya!
